Tuesday, December 23, 2008

7th district walk in spring 2008

This is the view from a special building that marks the entrance of the Jewish district. Today it is the "Madách square" with a huge, intruding, red brick passage built in the thirties on the spot of the famous "Orczy house" The Orczy house was the first Jewish inhabitance here and also it was something like small "Shtetl" within one house - it had its own shul, flats, kosher butcher, etc.

In the spring we went for a walk with my friend to plan our "7 in the 7th" project that is about the Jewish district in Budapest. We ended here at this huge red thingie, and I had the idea to sneak in and get on the top of the building. Inside there is original socialist mural and mosaics … we got in the elevator and hit the top floor … accidentally a window was open and we could jump out to the roof ….

Rider Spoke

In September 2008 Rider Spoke was in Budapest in the Frame of the Autumn Arts festival

Art on the street - Berlin 2007 March

"Life is no Pony court"



The first photo is from the spring 2008, and was located at the entrance of Kuplung
I really like the kissing couple o the map - it evokes the map as a representation of the city and the street art as an oppsotion to it.

The second photo is next to Szimpla, in Kazinczy street.

where should public art be located?

I have photographed this in the summer at the ferry, at Szentendre.
For me this environment did not make sense, as I dont' live there, I don't know the energies, stories, problems that belong there, but also this is not a really political street art ... and the neighborhood is also much less neglected as the 7th district where most of the street art I know is concentrated.

I got a book in Instant last week, the title of which is "concrete and me //// beton és én" it is Published by the "Public art Alapítvány"

The book is similar to most of the 'street art documentations" - many photos and little text. This is of course a problem, because it is impossible to photo the street art ... On the other hand, sometimes, if you photograph somehting, it looks like art - though the frame, and the context.

There is a one page introduction to the little booklet about some Hungarian public art. (published in 2008) It says the following at some point:

"In the beginning of the 90s first appeared the American style of graffiti in the region. It also brought the rebellion as a brand (nowadays it is used in advertisement or as decoration of clubs). A new conservative and hierarchical order was built up in this subculture in these years as well, however, the artists invited to this exhibition try to neglect it. Earlier it was important that this drawings were created in places that could be seen by many people. Most of the artists were disappointed in this subculture therefore they started to discover the less frequented parts of the cities. At the end they found these abandoned industrial sites"

I dont quite understand the conservative hierarchy of this subculture and why these artists are disappointed ... I do feel it is a problem, that the very popular Szimpla interieur looks "street artish" and underground, even though from the opening of the place (on its ucrrent site) it had little to do with underground movements. Now, it is and looks as pure business enterprise. In the time when it was etablished in Kazinczy street it really belonged to a smaller circle of people, and was in a way revolutionary, today it is a touristy thing. On the other hand I am still happier if this kind of styles are spreading than if people would wanna just belong to posh bars ...

I was sad to read this part in this booklet, and also perplexed. I studied "Public art" on university, and there was actually one statement of our teacher that was disturbing and compelling at the same time. She tried to state that Street art is almost always a reaction to something LOCAL, for instance if there is a house that is very neglected, street artists try to warn the people that something is going wrong here, same with dogshit, etc. But if they move to locations where noone can see them, they basically agree that they do not have an influence, which I think is wrong.

I think that there are problems with "this subculture", but there are many layers of this: the problem that "street art is used for ads" and that street art becomes club decioation can be derived from two things:

1.) the "underground" becomes "overground" / something similar to the conflict between "high" and "low" culture

2.) capitalists use the "independent" (or anti-capitalist?) forms

I feel that for the artists to escape to neglected places is as resignated reaction as for the members of "this subculture" just to immerse in hedonism and not really care about their environment...

By the way going through the photos these artist look more conservative that those "perverted collegues" in the Szimpla, and they dont try to state any political claims.

According to the editors view, location of the street art only influences the visual effect, but not the meaning of the Public art. There is only the name of the artists next to the photos, and an abbreviation of the country of origin, but we are not informed about the actual locations of the respective paintings, drawings. This is for me the same "aestehticisation" of street art, as the trendy bars are taking its language and using it for them.

between graffiti and street art

"Once probably everything is going to nrut good" (the first thre letters of turn are mixed up - turned around) Király utca, opposite Sirály.
The place was lately used by the galery opposite ("Boulevard és Brezsnyev" for charity book fairs, and for performances at openings. Now it is empty - I really hope they wont open a bank here...
Interesting is the location and surface of the graffiti. It is on the level of the street evoking the perspective of the homeless, those who do not have power or influence about what is happening "above" them.

Besides, this is a reference to the very problematic view of: things gonna get better from themselfs, which is documented in a literary form in Imre Kertész: Fatelessness

Voices of the 7th district

This is a perfect piece of street art, as "ephemer", transient as it gets.

The style is familiar, I met this guy two years ago, he was going in high school, aged 17 or so. He often works in the 7th district, (the Jewish district) drawing big faces around ununderstandable street phenomena.

The work deals with the situation of this district from the street artist’s point of view: we are powerless – have no voice, just like this house, the windows of which are tiled from inside. Beyond the potential political hint it refers to human existence in general.

I'm reminded to a work of art I have seen in Berlin, in the Hamburger Bahnhof contemporary arts Museum. If I remember good it was made by Joseph Beuys. It was a half meter X half meter concrete cube including a tape recorder that was playing a casette with a women's scream looped.


I decided to write this blog to document my perceptions and experiences that belong to the city and my Jewish identity - mainly Budapest. My focus is street art, activism and innovation. Feel free to react!